The Art Of Wandering for Questing Hearts


“Wander with No Time or Destination” Tom Brown, Jr


Some of the most profound moments in my life have been experienced through wandering through nature, and in the everyday. I have made it a lifestyle shift, that brings deep connection and insight into my spiritual growth and connection to something greater than myself. It is like an emergence into life, the living breathing entity of the connection to all things. When I can surrender into wandering is when the magic unfolds. Almost as if you are capable of lifting a veil into the mystery of life. Where you can witness a doorway into another realm of communication with the spiritual world.


Through wandering I have gained insight into unanswered questions, life direction, relationships while having an immense deepening and quality of life. Because my wanderings have made me look within myself, my spirit and has identified a oneness with the physical and spiritual planes. I know I’ am never truly alone and have adapted a sense of trust in the Universe. The more and more I learn to trust the more the Universe comes to reach out its hands to me.


It is a constant evolution and awareness of myself and my surroundings. An awareness that broadens my horizons and keeps me reaching up for the stars, and for my dreams. This inner work leads to great clarity. And with clarity comes focus. With focus comes manifestation and allowing the evidence of your actions to accumulate into the present moment of your experience.


Wandering doesn’t always have to be on a planned adventure. We can walk out our front door and slip into a state of presence. Allowing the flow of life to merge us with this idea. We don’t always have to take the same way to work, if you allow yourself a head start to maybe start something new. Or what if your walking to your office and you feel a pull to go stand under a tree for a few moments and observe something that catches your eye. Maybe you will find something that hones in a message that you were seeking clarity of. A wander may simply be looking at something in finer detail. Taking a moment to examine it and maybe analyze it from a perspective of appreciation, wonder, and gaining insight into a circumstance. You can ask questions like, What is this teaching me? How does nature reflect my inner state? Does this mean anything to me in regards to what is happening? How can I reach into the unknown for answers? You have to ask the questions and listen to subtle cues.


Maybe you may feel absurd in doing so. Maybe you feel like you do not trust yourself and your instincts. But, what if you could exercise your connection to yourself and build this intuitive body of yours that is connected to something grand, an essence of the nature that is YOU.


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    Set an intention


    Whether it is as simple as allowing the universe to present itself in a pure way. Or maybe have an intention around a question that you would like greater insight into. Create an intention for yourself as you begin your journey. Allow the question to come up over and over again in your exploration. Continue to surrender as you ask for guidance. Being mindful of any signs or omens. Pay attention to your dreams after the wander. And journal your experiences.


    Surrender into the moment


    Turn your wander into a walking prayer, or meditation. An act of movement with keen awareness. Allow yourself to be in the purity of your environment and walk with a sense of flow and openess to discovery. BECOME your walk or your experience, as you find your interconnectedness to all things.

    —- She gives us everything we need for our survival, is accommodated through earth’s resources. Make a conscious act of connecting. —


    Wander in Nature


    You can adapt skills of wandering in any environment, but there are many optimal reasons for wandering in nature. Nature is the closest representation of creation. Walk as if you are moving through a temple. Find the symbiotic relationship with yourself and this living breathing organism. We are a part of this cycle, not separated by it. Reflect on your connection to the Earth as a life force and living entity in which we gather our resources to sustain us. Make a conscious act of connecting to be in gratitude for all the essentials the earth provides us to sustain our lives.


    Put the gadgets away


    The more you move into the purity of nature without technology and provoking time, the more you can slip into deeper states of an authentic connection. The more time you spend in nature without the influences of technology, the more time seems to slow down and you can value being in the present. This is especially beneficial when we feel the hands of time slipping away faster and faster. I have found that extended time in nature helps us to reset our circadian rythymn vs constantly exposing ourselves to looking at the clock, answering texts, and the time vacuum of social media.


    Follow your Instincts


    In your wanderings, where do you feel called? What do you feel drawn to? Allow yourself to be in a conscious stream of flow, and moving from moment to moment in a state of presence. Explore how your meanderings are guided as if being pulled magnetically towards a teaching or some insight. Follow the inner compass of your internal guidance system. Learning to trust your own intuition is one of the greatest gifts you will experience for yourself in this lifetime. The more you nurture the purity of your own insight, the more it will expand and grow. The more you will be able to decipher your ego vs intuitive nature.

    Revel in the small details


    Sometimes the greatest lessons can be learned by looking at things in micro detail. When you feel drawn to an area, go deeper and examine your surroundings as you fine tune what it is that pulled you to a location. It could be you have a pressing issue and the pattern of tree bark shows you the answer you seek.

    Maybe you are walking down the street and a sticker on a sign post calls for your attention. Or, maybe the synchronistic encounter of a bird or animal confirms what you know in your heart to be your truth. Celebrate these moments as gifts of communication. Guideposts showing you along the way and placing you on a path to track your own spirit.


    What is this teaching me?


    There is always an opportunity to go deeper into your experience. To reveal hidden messages furthering insight and communication from the natural world. And to gain greater insight on your wanders. A good question to ask is, How is this teaching me?

    Search within yourself for answers, How does this make me feel? During an interaction with what could be a sign, recall what you were thinking about in that moment. Or ponder back to what your original intention was as you set out onto your wander.


    Wander in the ordinary

    Everyday is an opportunity to wander. It’s nice when we have no restriction on time. But, you can find moments to wander on your ride to work. Break up your pattern and pick different routes to go to and from work or to the grocery store. Observe. What can you learn about your hometown? How can you really become a place? To know it intimately verses being a tourist. It is easy and common to get sucked up in everyday mundane activities that we are unaware of our personal surroundings day to day. What does the environment have to teach you? What are the soft whispers, that if we listen we open doorways to something magical.


    Discover the magic and mystery of the everyday. For more insight into Donna’s work and workshops, visit her at or


    Donna Brickwood is the Founder of Sacred Space Healing Arts. A wellness studio dedicated to the integration of mind, body, spirit & nature relationship, as key components to well being and spiritual growth.

    She is a writer, healer, and lifestyle coach.

    Donna brings her nomadic experience and training of wilderness earth skills, nature philosophy, and healing to her writings and workshops. This unique perspective roots individuals into their authentic nature and life’s vision. Her teachings nurture the connection to the Wilderness of the Soul, and Living a Heart Centered Life. Plant your seeds, and cultivate their growth.

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    About Donna

    I’m a spiritual success coach on a mission: to set you in alignment with your inner compass and the power of inspired feminine leadership. Drawing on 20 years of experience in the healing arts, I’ll show you how to discover your purpose and your place in the natural world around you.

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    The first step to creating a truly spiritual life is to tap into the blueprint of freedom, connection and love that lives within you. My Awaken the Wild Heart meditation will help you do just that - without giving up your possessions or migrating to the woods. 

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