Trusting The Process
April 4, 2017

Anxieties and fear may arise when we are not in our clarity. Sometimes it feels as if we are floating in space, suspended by time in the unknown and darkness of what may come next. What sometimes we fail to see, is that within the darkness lies the fullness of potential. The unknown will always exist. So, how do we move in a place of a higher awareness of our selves and circumstance?
Practice embracing the mystery. And in the sea of darkness, embrace your pure potential, as a creator of your life. When we move into the dark we may enter into this dream like state. What are your dreams? What does it look like, feel like? Move into the place of the unknown and color this canvas with what you wish to create. As potential is the stardust that awakens an idea, a thought, a vision.
When we find ourselves in the frey, the worries, shift your momentum of thought, again and again into the potential. Anchoring more and more with a positive shift of thought, and insight. Be led by your intuition, and be guided by your heart.
Heart centered guidance paves the path of trust, as you choose to align yourself more and more into the programming of your alignment.
Your body is hardwired to learn, to download programs into its system. The mind and consciousness creates patterns in your psyche in how it relates to an environment that is ever changing. It is open to suggestion. What are you communicating to your body/mind/spirit day in, and day out?
We can hardwire into our consciousness that we are aligned with “perfect and divine timing”. “That all my decisions are right decisions, I have the most success as I follow my heart. I know I am always at the right place at the right time. Everything is always working out for me”. Insert your own positive programs and affirmations here..”….”.
When we adapt this software into our minds and hearts, we can lean into trusting the process more and more. And when we do, we begin to see evidence of it in the world around us. Embracing the mystery becomes liberating as we can move more effortlessly and consciously into grace.
With every moment, with every breathe, we are in the mystery, in the unknown of what happens in the next.. in the next..
Breathe into this expansion, into your conscious participation, into the Awakened Self.
xo Donna Brickwood
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About Donna
I’m a spiritual success coach on a mission: to set you in alignment with your inner compass and the power of inspired feminine leadership. Drawing on 20 years of experience in the healing arts, I’ll show you how to discover your purpose and your place in the natural world around you.
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