Southwest Roadtrip & Spirit Guide Tours!
October 5, 2019

So, as you may know I took a hiatus to head out to the Southwest. A different kind of work was bringing me out there. I brought along a client and dear friend Irene along with me. We were setting out as I was guiding her through a Wandering Quest, driving across the country to the desert, the Land of Enchantment.
One of her main intents as we embarked on this adventure was to have the Land “change” her. She wanted a fresh perspective. A deeper connection into opening the doorway and path before her, and to have nature guide and reflect that back to her. So, I became her “Spirit Guide”.
You see… There is a power when we BECOME nature again. We merge back into a realm that can support us, enrapture us, and take us under her wing as one of her children again. This is integrating back into the Temple of Creation, and perhaps into the Temple of Self. As we weave all of these facets together in a beautiful harmonic, a tapestry, as we collaborate once again with Oneness.

We merge into periods of awareness, a deep listening, a pause. We acknowledge this through reverence, appreciation, lots of laughter, and prayer as we ride the waves of what is presented to us in the present moments. A wander is at its best when one can be truly present.(She made my job really easy, consistently showing up with excitement & perseverance). To see the signs, synchronicities and crescendos in energy as the path unfolds for us in the most divinely orchestrated way. The good thing about having a Spirit Guide, is we know how to hold the space, to read energy, with the ability to see, sense, feel and take action on the impulse of the winds. To translate guidance upon the landscape as she whispers in our ears and hearts. Trust is a big piece. When the signs are there, you go with it.
At any given time, something may arise within one of us. And, we can cradle these waves.. whether it be emotions, inspirations, insights, excitement, a difference in opinion. We look at what needs to be lifted, empowered and what needs to be burned away into the alchemical fire. The best thing, there is no judgement. A gift to just witness another in all form, embraced in compassion and BE~ing-ness. We are starting a new pattern. Releasing a lot of the old, and imprinting new positive stories that we can birth within ourselves, or ground an already existing ideal.
We empower dreams, desires. We reflect on what our impact can be in the world, even if it serves just one person. We open the door to what a Vision can be, a Mission, a Life Purpose. And as a Guide, helps to lift that as far as my wing span can possibly take it.
I have to say, it feels glorious to do this work, I revel in awe, and I bow down with humility, to help inspire people in this process. I give great thanks to my friends, family, and to this woman, friend, and spiritual colleague, for helping me to bring into fruition, dreams into form.
I have been doing this type of mentorship for awhile now.. But, this took it to another level. Thank you for being my willing Guinea Pig, Irene!
I introduce Sacred Space~Spirit Guide Tours.

~ Irene’s Testimonial:
I went on a Wander with Donna Brickwood and I will never be the same again.
Donna said, “ I’m going out to New Mexico for a month, want to come out with me”.
“Yes”, I said already with a glint in my eye, knowing form previous travels with Donna that “stuff” happens.
“I want the energy of the earth there to change me”, I said. “For the better”, said she.
She set the intention for us to wander with eyes wide open and to gather whatever Spirit had to show us.
I said, “Cool”!
Every moment was mystical cause once an intention like that is set you are no longer on your own. Yet, I have condensed
the benefits to 3 point so you can enjoy them. I hope you do. I did.
1) Divinely Orchestrated
As our Journey unfolded, I came to realize that I was practice subject for Donna and her expanding Guided Wilderness program.
It’s kind of like finding out that you are rooming with a top rate massage therapist who needs someone to work on. Oh yeah!
As my stuff came up as if often does, Donna held a safe Sacred Space for me to address, process and heal very deep old wounds.
She didn’t try to fix but TRUSTED in Spirit and me to move through them which made me feel confident that I actually could.
I felt supported beyond words. She said she was happy to be learning.
2) My contribution.
As our time to start our journey came closer, I started planning, where to stop to sleep, how long on the road we should be. After a day or two of texting Donna asked me ever so nicely to stop.
”Consider and be open to A Wander”, she suggested. “Allow everything to unfold in Wonder”.
I agreed, “That sounds more like us”, and stopped planning.
In releasing my administrative role, I found myself questioning my role in this trip. Certainly I am an amiable companion but what was my contribution.
As we traveled there were quite a few times when Donna asked me to be present and sense what it was I wanted to do and where I wanted to go next. That was very helpful as a training tool to check in with myself. Surprisingly though, as we journeyed I
became aware that there were times when I got very strong feelings about what I wanted. It became apparent that I needed to voice them, sometimes more than once but my desires often set the stage for Spirit to show us the next step.
One such time occurred when I didn’t want to stop where Donna suggested at the Rio Grande River. Donna looked like she was on a mission checking out the area, so I didn’t voice my concern right away. I agreed to do ceremony, but I did not want to do it
there. When we drove a bit farther we found a lovely beach area, under an old bridge and did a lovely cacao ceremony there.
A bigger one was when I wanted stay over night in the Jemez Mountains. I did not want to break our continuity with the land after spending a day there, even if I had to play for a more expensive hotel to make it happen. I started mentioning it days before
we even went there. Donna wasn’t quite in line. Finally as the day approached and I mentioned it again she agreed and we booked the last space at the local the Inn. We spent a lovely day but the energy was draining us. As we ate dinner I asked, ”Could
you imagine us driving an hour and a half back to Albuquerque tonight”? She shook her head as if that was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard. We laughed and were happy we decided to stay.
Knowing what I want, and knowing that I will know what I want, is a very important lesson for me. To see that Spirit works through that knowing is a Blessing!
3) A Greater Understanding
On a cognitive level I know or believe that Spirit works through us all. But it’s a rare occasion for rme to recognize in the moment that Spirit is present and working through me.
I felt Spirit on this trip. I felt enfolded, I felt guided and I felt appreciated. That’s RARE!
One such occasion was at the river at the end of our Ouroboros celebration, Blessing the water from beginning to end, (of which there is no end as the river is in constant flow).
We had just finished the fire ceremony and were sitting on some rocks right at the rivers edge. We put our hands in and sent love and gratitude. It felt so soft. The sky was clear and Jupiter, which had been hanging around us the whole trip, (as did Sister
Moon) was directly across the river from us. I sat and thanked God and the Universe for my friend Donna Brickwood, with heart felt gratitude. I was given the understanding of a mutual connection between us which said, “You enhance each other”. WOW!
I enhance Donna Brickwood! And she enhances me! That’s the kind of relationship I want with everyone. It felt very beautiful, etheric and made me proud.
If you are so lucky and Blessed to get the chance to Wonder in Wander with Donna Brickwood, I strongly suggest you take it. Magical things can happen!
In peace, love and gratitude,
Irene Kabot

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About Donna
I’m a spiritual success coach on a mission: to set you in alignment with your inner compass and the power of inspired feminine leadership. Drawing on 20 years of experience in the healing arts, I’ll show you how to discover your purpose and your place in the natural world around you.
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The first step to creating a truly spiritual life is to tap into the blueprint of freedom, connection and love that lives within you. My Awaken the Wild Heart meditation will help you do just that - without giving up your possessions or migrating to the woods.
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