Sirius Sisterhood~New Mexico Retreat, Reschedule for Spring 2021

The Sirius Sisterhood Retreat is a calling from Spirit. The earthly and celestial coordinates of Taos and all the sacred sites where we will be offering ceremony will provide the energy to do powerful healing work on behalf of ourselves, our personal ancestors as well as the human species. We will also be devoted to balancing the energy between the masculine and feminine on this trip.
Years ago, on a pilgrimage to Peru, Spirit said to me, “Yours is a species lost in space because you have lost your connection to your star ancestors.” It has been part of my medicine to reconnect humans with star beings via energetic ceremony and transmission.
Spirit is cohering a circle of experienced practitioners capable of caring for themselves within a small group setting. Sacred Pilgrimages can activate our oldest wounds. Pilgrimages set aside Time, Attention, Love, Care and Compassion for ourselves and our intentions. The psyche responds by allowing hurt to surface. We ask that you spend time in prayer and meditation well before your arrival to allow your process to begin. We invite everyone’s ‘system’ to open to deep healing well before arrival.
In my experience, when one ‘signs up’ for a spiritual encounter – the work begins well ahead of the scheduled time of gathering.
Every day we will offer activities of various kinds. Each day you are welcome to opt in or opt out of any and all activity. There may be days when you want to simply rest and relax. We encourage you to provide the kind of space you need for that which wants to come up to be seen, felt, heard and attended to. Private time, group work or one-on-one with me or Donna.
5/23/20 – arrive in Albuquerque
Courtyard Marriot Albuquerque Airport, 505-843-6600. 1920 Yale Blvd. S. E.
Only direct Flight from NY on 5/23 – Jet Blue, JFK, departs 7:19 pm. Arr. 10:33 pm. Free shuttle to hotel. Please make your own reservations.
5/24/20 – depart hotel in Mini Vans for Airbnb stays in Taos.
Airbnb stays are single occupancy, including hot tub. (yeah) The house will be well stocked with all necessary items for our stay, food, beverages, toiletries, Epsom salts etc.
5/24-5/27 – Daily Personal and Collective energy work plus fun (shopping, hanging out etc.) Including: Taos Pueblo, Pot Creek Pueblo, Ojo Caliente Hot Springs and Spa. We will have time for spa services at Ojo Caliente. Cost of Spa services is not included in trip price. Fire Ceremonies, star gazing meditations, Star teachings, Chanting, Dancing, Creative Expression, Hanuman Temple in Neem Karoli Baba Ashram
5/28 – depart for Jemez, Check in at Elk Mt. Lodge. (single and double occupancy) Including: Jemez Hot Springs, Valles Caldera, Battleship Rock, Bandolier, Soda Dam. Elk Mt. Lodge will also be well stocked for our short, yummy stay.
5/29 – final circle and closing ceremony. Then hang out in Jemez. Or
Minivan to Albuquerque for direct flight out – Jet Blue 11:48 pm. Arrive JFK 6:00 am.
5/30 – Mini Van to Albuquerque for direct flight out – Jet Blue 11:48 pm Arr. JFK. 6:00.
For those who stay for the 30th – we will check out of Elk Mt. Lodge and can chill out, go to Albuquerque or spend time shopping in Santa Fe.
COST 2,222.00.
Price includes from 5/24 -5/30. All lodging, transportation, group meals in Taos and Jemez, fees for hot springs and sacred sites, teachings and all materials including ceremonial offerings and Love and respect donations to local Pueblo. Price also includes artisanal welcome and departure dinners made by a magnificent local chef with specialty chocolates made just for our group by a spectacular chocolatier.
Does not include flights, one night stay in Albuquerque, restaurant meals and any spa services.
Please be in touch with any questions or to register – Eileen (914-456-7789) or Donna (845-742- 8494)
Space is Limited!
Eileen O’Hare,
Donna Brickwood,
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About Donna
I’m a spiritual success coach on a mission: to set you in alignment with your inner compass and the power of inspired feminine leadership. Drawing on 20 years of experience in the healing arts, I’ll show you how to discover your purpose and your place in the natural world around you.
Free Training & Meditation
The first step to creating a truly spiritual life is to tap into the blueprint of freedom, connection and love that lives within you. My Awaken the Wild Heart meditation will help you do just that - without giving up your possessions or migrating to the woods.
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