Bless the Waters

Bless the Waters
Sitting side by side, with 12 other women, of all ages. Grandmother Barbara Threecrow leads us in ceremony and prayer to honor the waters. We come together with purposeful hearts of appreciation and gratitude to bless the waters of the earth and in our bodies. The water signifies life, the blood of the earth. Without it, existence would cease to exist as we know it.
There are so many factors that threaten the purity of this source on a day to day basis when one truly looks at the issues we face in this regard, it could be quite overwhelming.
When we choose to See, we can create Shifts. Even if its in the very molecular body that holds the resonance of this element that literally courses through our veins, and flesh. Simply Being in this consciousness within our own selves, is an inner awareness that transcends us to holding a vessel of the Life Force that moves through you. Where you are a part of something grander, whole. A link to what connects us all. This water moves through the oceans, the rivers, all genders, all races, all animals, all plants. We then become a witness of the importance of why we nurture and protect this valuable resource.
This is me, in the wilds of the Pine Barrens doing swamp gymnastics a.k.a. the Swamp Crawl. A training exercise of absolute Surrender, Hip deep in floating weeds and the unknown, grounding myself in the murky muds and roots of the lotus flowers. In the Surrender is Trust, a great metaphor for life.
Now, Im Not telling you, you have to go swamp swimming to get enlightened. However, One of my greatest moments of earth kinship just happened to be caught on film. There are other ways..
How do we engage in a bigger picture?
- Give Thanks.
To your own bodies, the water you drink. The water that cleanses you, the rain that falls.
On an ongoing basis, It’s so profound when you decide to honor the smallest gesture of gratitude to the water. This internal reflection can create a new wave of understanding yourself in subtle and profound ways.
Dr. Emoto, a Japanese author, and researcher experimented with the power of intention and water. His claims are that positive and negative thoughts have a direct correlation to the molecular shape of water under microscope. These molecules were photographed upon freezing, and what was found were true gems, and artistry. His work has been on the cutting edge of linking the power of intent to our bodies and the natural world. Providing glimpses of what native people’s and ancient studies knew all along about their relationship to this element.
His work has been recognized throughout the years, you may have heard. But worth looking into time and time again, as a reminder of who we are.
- Participate in a community that educates about our water and take action.
If you want to be aware of what’s happening locally, watchdog organizations such as river keeper go to far lengths to educate and protect the waters from encroaching potential threats. They need people to participate, to have voices, and share the message. We can choose to practice Stewardship and Caretake our land and resources for many generations ahead. The Waters, the Earth’s resources are all a Legacy we leave behind.
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About Donna
I’m a spiritual success coach on a mission: to set you in alignment with your inner compass and the power of inspired feminine leadership. Drawing on 20 years of experience in the healing arts, I’ll show you how to discover your purpose and your place in the natural world around you.
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The first step to creating a truly spiritual life is to tap into the blueprint of freedom, connection and love that lives within you. My Awaken the Wild Heart meditation will help you do just that - without giving up your possessions or migrating to the woods.
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