Flirt with Struggle

I awoke with the remembrance of wrestling a T-Rex dinosaur in my dreamworld. Hearing very clearly the words, Flirt with Struggle.
I decided to follow an instinct to find more spiritual clues around this, as spirit has a way of revealing wonders and profound insights. Sometimes, you just have to track, and pick up the trail when you find that you may be at a starting point of an intuitive pathway, teaching, or an unraveling message from the Divine.
I started where most of modern day explorers of information begin.. Google. Typing in the words “woman wrestling dinosaur”. What image comes up, but WONDER WOMAN riding T-REX almost as if she is taming the Beast!
With the recent movie coming to the Big Screen, a lot of women especially have connected with this Goddess Warrior Icon throughout the years. Wonder Woman symbolizes a strength that every woman could embody in their process of moving through challenge, obstacles, self perceived villains, and defending what is important to them.
It felt very clear that this representation of Wonder Woman embodied the words spoken of in my dream. The clues unravel further as I head into work that morning. I received a message from a client saying she is running a little late. Just enough time to go for a little walk as I felt compelled to go outside on a beautiful blustery day. There are always oppurtunites around us to connect with ourselves, and our environments. When we can move in states of surrendering and allow a higher state of awareness to guide us. You never know what mysteries and communications may surround you. Something catches my eye in a storefront window. It’s a human sized T-Rex stuffed animal! Not your typical Trex, but a colorful vibrant blue, spotted T-Rex!
Now, isn’t that flirty and creative, I thought! How interesting are these subtle cues from the Universe. One must ask, how is this applicable to me as I use this as mirror to my own reflection, my own psyche, and internal process? The more I surrender to signs such as this, the more it reveals the awareness within oneself. Potentially answers we are searching for on this river of life.
As I reflect on its teaching I integrate how one must allow struggle to be a doorway of growth, where you can rise to the occasion with strength, and confidence. It’s in the resistance that we seek the greatest growth and evolution of how we move through the challenge.
Either we can allow our struggle, fear, or inner demons control us or we can lessen the degree of its impact on us, by knocking it off of the pedestal. Taming the beast, the metaphorical T-Rex. When we place emphasis on what bogs us down is when we give our power away. Of course there are things we have no control over. But, how we allow it to effect us on an emotional and physical level drives it deeper into the core, creating a foundation of weakness, of seperation, and sometimes even shame. Break the cycle. Most profoundly when this story is repeating and looping itself time and time again. How do I step off this hamster wheel of confusion? The beautiful thing is with repetition comes predictability. What pieces of this puzzle can you rearrange, the pieces you do have control over. The pieces you can be responsible for, emotional mastery. May we position ourselves to be in our alignment. And when we find those moments to step off and recourse the trajectory that allows us to create something different.
Dress up your demons, make them colorful, less intimidating. Transform your normal reactions to the obstacle, and flirt with struggle. Lessen it’s power by releasing the hold it has on you. Recognize opportunities to learn about yourself as you evolve and transform these monsters into allies.

Wonder woman
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About Donna
I’m a spiritual success coach on a mission: to set you in alignment with your inner compass and the power of inspired feminine leadership. Drawing on 20 years of experience in the healing arts, I’ll show you how to discover your purpose and your place in the natural world around you.
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