Stoking the Fire: New Mexico

We will explore the power behind tending to the sacred fire within; a fire fueled through our connection to the land, our vision, and what lies within our heart. Would we make clearer decisions if we felt connected to and supported by something higher or greater than ourselves? How would our lives be changed if we understood the subtle signs universe gives us to guide us along the way?
If you sense that there must be more to life or long to connect to the spirit of the land, please join us for four days in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico. Stir the inner wanderings of your soul as we allow ourselves to be lead by our intuitive guidance and soulful reflection of nature. Explore techniques to connect with the presence of these sacred lands and the hidden treasures within. Tap into a state of potentiality and learn tools to boost your awareness and insight into all aspects of life.
During this 4 day experience, we will walk in the footsteps of the peoples who have inhabited this ancient landscape,
*Gain clarity and insight into some of your most burning questions in life.
*Learn to connect with the land in a deep and meaningful way.
*Explore ways to connect to the unknown.
*Stir your inner wisdom buried beneath the surface.
*Develop skills to nurture and sustain this connection.
*Learn to understand and align yourself to your unique vision or purpose.
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About Donna
I’m a spiritual success coach on a mission: to set you in alignment with your inner compass and the power of inspired feminine leadership. Drawing on 20 years of experience in the healing arts, I’ll show you how to discover your purpose and your place in the natural world around you.
Free Training & Meditation
The first step to creating a truly spiritual life is to tap into the blueprint of freedom, connection and love that lives within you. My Awaken the Wild Heart meditation will help you do just that - without giving up your possessions or migrating to the woods.
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