9 Ways to get into Alignment with Yourself

Your highest potential is always available to you, but accessing it can be difficult if you are experiencing emotional resistance or dealing with life challenges. However, having healthy tools to lead you back into alignment and feeling in the flow is crucial to rediscover your expansive and higher self once again.
When you achieve energetic alignment, you open yourself up to an infinite number of possibilities. Life feels limitless and supportive, and you feel you are a part of a greater whole. Honor the temple within that houses your highest potential and watch as your life begins to reflect back to you what you’ve been working so hard to manifest. Below are some tips on how to emerge into energetic alignment.
9 Ways to Come into your Energetic Alignment, with Journal Prompts
1. Connect with your higher self through meditation.
There are many ways to come into energetic alignment with your highest self. One way is to connect through meditation and prayer.
~This can be done by simply sitting in silence and focusing on your breath.
~As you breathe in and out, imagine yourself connecting with your empowered self and sense of ease and flow.
~Feel the energy of your higher-self move through you, filling you with light and love.
There are many methods of meditation beyond quieting the mind. Find a practice suitable for your needs. Watch the video above! Rise Rooted with a 14 Day Challenge to Reboot and get you back on track, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.
2. Commune with nature.
Nature is a powerful source of energy. Spend time in nature, and allow the natural rhythms of the Earth to flow through you.
~Go for a walk in the park, sit by a river, or spend time in the mountains.
~As you connect with nature, feel your energy begin to attune into the Earth. Grounding yourself will help you feel more centered and connected to the natural flow of life.
~Feeling your feet on the ground and taking deep breaths of fresh air are extremely beneficial and centering.
This will assist you in getting out of mental overload and into your body. If you want to go deeper into the intelligence of Nature through Signs and Synchronicity, check out Animal Wisdom.
3. Open your Heart.
Your heart is a wise guide that knows the way to your highest self. Follow its lead, and trust that it will take you where you need to go.
~Practice bringing your awareness to your heart center.
~Breathe in Trust, Exhale Peace.
~Imagine the invisible walls you have put around your heart and allow it to gently open to receive new life force energy.
Here’s a GIFT to go deeper… Awaken the Wild Heart.
4. Be mindful of your thoughts and words.
Your thoughts and words have energy, so be mindful of what you think and say. If your words and thoughts are deeply felt through the emotional body as genuinely positive and uplifting, your depth of inspired emotions will help you align with your highest self. Here are some Freebies to hone in your intentions.
5. Visualize yourself in alignment.
See yourself as already being in alignment with your highest self. Visualize the energy of your higher self flowing through you, filling you with light and love. Allow yourself to feel the joy and happiness that comes with being in alignment.
6. Listen to your intuition.
Pay attention to the subtle guidance you receive, and trust that it will lead you to where you need to go. Trust in your inner guidance system to navigate you to a fuller potential.
7. Spend time with those who make you happy.
It is easier to raise your own vibration and access your highest potential when you surround yourself with high-vibrational people.
8. Trust and honor your intuition.
Intuition is a powerful guide that can assist you in connecting with your highest self. Pay attention to your intuition and follow its lead. You may become surprised by the increase of synchronicity, opportunities, and events that may begin to unfold.
9. Take aligned action.
It is critical to take aligned action in order to stay in alignment with your highest self. This entails acting in accordance with your highest purpose. You’ll be amazed at what begins to fall into place when you are making choices and moving forward with inspired action that supports your goals and desires.
No matter how you choose to come into energetic alignment, the important thing is having consistency with your practice. The inconceivable becomes possible. You have access to limitless potential and the ability to create your dreams to reality. Sometimes having a guide can make all of the difference in the world. Check out my Private Sessions.

Journal Prompts~ Grab a Pen & Journal
1) First and foremost, decide what you want. What does your ideal life entail? What emotions do you want to experience? Assume it is possible. Alignment begins with a clear and powerful intention.
2) Make a list of what is preventing you from feeling in alignment. Once you’ve identified your blocks, you can begin to work on releasing the impact it has on you. This can range from old patterns, lack of confidence, trauma to negative self-belief. The more you become aware of its influence on you, the easier you can step out of the role in how it holds you back. Reach your full potential by creating a new program of belief and role that gets you to where you want to go.
3) Now that you are aware of your blocks, how can you align into what feels good? What is the silver lining and lessons you are learning from this? What will feel empowering to you? How can you step into the next level version of yourself?

If you wish to deepen your experience with a mentor to guide and support your accountability and more… Check out some of my programs and mentor, all things Life, Business, and Purpose.
A mentor can help you get there. Someone who’s been where you want to go and has the experience and knowledge to guide you. That’s what I offer – a mentor with deep experience in life, travel, business, and purpose.
My programs are designed for individuals who want more out of their lives but feel stuck or don’t know how to get there. With my guidance and support, you will find yourself on a path that leads you to your dreams and aspirations. You won’t find this type of mentorship anywhere else. Click here.

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About Donna
I’m a spiritual success coach on a mission: to set you in alignment with your inner compass and the power of inspired feminine leadership. Drawing on 20 years of experience in the healing arts, I’ll show you how to discover your purpose and your place in the natural world around you.
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The first step to creating a truly spiritual life is to tap into the blueprint of freedom, connection and love that lives within you. My Awaken the Wild Heart meditation will help you do just that - without giving up your possessions or migrating to the woods.
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